Dr. Vera H. Price. Master, PhD and Professor
Dr. Price is Professor in the Department of Dermatology, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). She is director of the UCSF Hair Research Center and director of the Clinic for Skin and Hair Nails UCSF. Dr. Price obtained his medical degree at the University of Toronto, Canada, and worked as a dermatologist at the Postgraduate Medical School, University of New York.
After moving to California, Dr. Price was a research dermatologist at UCSF, where she spent three years in the investigation of the structure and biochemistry of human hair with chemicals for wool research for the agriculture department of the United States in Berkeley, California. Later she specialized in the biological structure of hair.
The research of Dr. Price includes genetic and immunopathological studies in alopecia areata, quantitative estimation of capillary growth, structural abnormalities of the hair, and features African-American hair. Her work has been recognized in the description of various hair disorders.
Dr. Price has been involved in numerous clinical research projects, including studies with finasteride and minoxidil for androgenetic alopecia. She is the author of 108 publications.
Dr. Price has been a visiting professor, and honorary guest at numerous universities around the world. She served as director of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). She is a founding member and former president of the American Society of Hair Research. In 2004, she received the Mentor of the Year Award by the Women’s Dermatology Society.
Dr. Price is co-founder of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) and the Research on Cicatricial Alopecia Foundation (CARF). She served as a volunteer in charge of the committee of both organizations and has devoted hundreds of hours to ensure the progress and success of its various research efforts and patient support.
Dr. Janet L. Roberts, MD, Dermatologist, Clinical Professor and Researcher
Dr. Roberts has a distinguished career in the clinical research of hair. She has developed an extensive catalog of clinical investigations, including investigations into the minoxidil and finasteride for androgenetic alopecia, which have appeared in numerous publications.
Specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of capillary degeneration in the Research Center of Northwest Dermatology, Dr. Roberts is professor of clinical dermatology at the University of Health Sciences in Oregon, where she received the Award of Merit professional association of medical students in 2000. Dr. Roberts directs and teaches at the Clinic for Capillary Disorder since 1979, the year it was founded.
Dr. Roberts is a member of the Dermatology Academy of the North American Hair Research Society, former member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the National Alopecia Areata, member and former chairman, former secretary treasurer of the Oregon Society of Dermatology, a member of the Society for Dermatology Research, the Oregon Medical Association and the Women’s Dermatology Society, among others.
Dr. Roberts received her master’s degree from Whittier College and an MBA from the University of California at San Francisco, and was a resident student at the University of Oregon Health and Sciences.
Dr. Marty E. Sawaya, Master, Doctoral, Medical Science and Research
Dr. Sawaya has worked on the biochemistry of sebaceous glands and hair for about 25 years. Her expertise lies in the biochemistry of hormone estoroides and in the research of the androgen receptor and its effect on skin disorders.
Dr. Sawaya has been a consultant to several companies in the pharmaceutical industry. Her experience includes working with biotechnology companies as medical director involving enzyme replacement therapy in adults and children’s genetic disorders or diseases (Fabry Gaucher’s, Hunter’s disease and Hemophilia A).
Dr. Sawaya has published about 50 articles, texts and books, and has given numerous lectures around the world. Her current research focuses on the biology of the hair, which takes a central role within the androgen receptor inflamasoma and casposos factors as they create apoptosis within the human hair growth cycle.
Dr. Sawaya has also worked as a medical volunteer at St. Jude Hospital, Memphis, TN, from 2004 to date and has written articles for the National Hemophilia Foundation.
Dr. Antonella Tosti, Master, Doctor and scientist
Dr. Antonella Tosti is a professor of dermatology and director of the Office of Allergology and hair and nail care, which is part of the department of dermatology at the University of Bologna, Italy.
Since 1988, her interest has focused on allergies in the clinical and structural biology of hair and nails, and aesthetic medicine. Her efforts are focused on the academic and clinical practice.
Prof. Tosti is president of the European Society for Nails, former president of the Council for Nail Disorders and a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, American Dermatology Association, American Society for Research on Hair, European Society for Research on Hair, International Dermatology Society, Dermatology European Society of Women, Italian Women’s Association of Dermatology, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Women’s Dermatology Society, among others.
Prof. Tosti has published nearly 600 papers and 25 monographs, including on finasteride.
Dr Dominique van Neste, Master, PhD, Dermatology
Dr. Van Neste is a researcher in dermatology with highly recognized internationally. He has authored about 100 scientific works on the scalp and hair science. He has written several books on these subjects.
Dr. Van Neste was president of the European Society for Research Hair, president of the French Society of Dermatology Research, capillary president and speaker of the symposium at the World Congress of Dermatology, the European Academy of Dermatology and the Royal Society of Medicine.
Dr. Van Neste is a member of the team of many international journals, including: Journal of Dermatology Research, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology, Journal of Dermatology, English Journal of Dermatology, Dermatology.